Personal credit repair is a service where a professional assesses your low credit score and guides you in improving it. The professional can note any inaccurate information on your credit report and file for a dispute inquiry on your behalf and make sure that you can recover quickly from a poor credit score.


You need to have a good business and personal credit score to ensure your financial health. However, damaging your credit score can easily happen, especially when intersecting both business and personal credit, when making an honest mistake, or in extreme cases, identity theft. Having a bad personal credit score can influence your eligibility for a business credit account, negatively affecting your business. Rectifying these discrepancies can be a long and tedious process and can easily take you away from running your business operations. When you can’t spare the time to pour over credit reports from three services to see where mistakes may have happened, it’s a good idea to bring in a credit repair specialist to handle it for you. With many years in the business development industry, LyftBiz can recommend you to the highest-rated credit repair personnel to ensure your financial health.

The Team

Our Credit Services team is a boutique credit consultancy that works on building the credit worthiness of their clients. Their unique credit restoration programs are specific to each individual’s needs, making sure clients can become the masters of their financial future. Working closely with a team of experienced attorneys and various lenders, we know the ins and outs of the FCRA and FDCPA laws as well as the credit market to ensure we can best work towards a client’s goal. 


With our team of credit specialists composed of industry professionals and lawyers, you can get your credit profile in perfect shape as we embark on a journey of growth. Ensuring your personal credit score is continuously perfect can have marvelous effects on your business in the long term.

Mentoring / Retainer

For clients who are truly committed to building their credit, we take on clients on a retainer to help them build their credit on a holistic level. From rectifying negative items, to negotiating student loans, to really building out a client’s credit worthiness (getting them high limit credit cards, etc.), we’ll handle a client’s file from A-Z. This option is great for those who use their credit often such as business owners and real estate investors, and for individuals who just desire to learn how to leverage their credit. This program fee starts at $2,500 depending on severity of the credit file and/or if they need to purchase additional tradelines to help boost their scores. 


For more credit information, check out our breakdown on ‘Business Credit Monitoring and Assessment.’